Hi, friends!

It's been a few months since we've seen each other consistently, and even longer than that since we've really kept in touch. This semester has been a time of significant change for me, and as the months go on I realize I haven't given any updates recently to my best friends. So, I wanna fix that!

We have a hard time all getting together at once these days. It's a shame, but it's one of the many signs that we're growing up; we all have real responsibilities! Things that we have to be putting our energy into, to a degree that we didn't have to in high school. There's so much more for us to balance, these days, it gets harder to stay in touch with our friends from across the country. Maybe that's just me, but I have a feeling I'm not the only one.

But even if I am, this semester of balancing responsibilities has taught me something: I need to be intentional with the way I communicate. So, I reach out to you all as we soon approach the time where we'll all see each other again. In case we never get the chance this winter to be together as one, talking under the stars as we did in summers and winters past, I want to tell you all how I've been spending my time these past few months. I hope you'll do the same.

Underneath my little Life Update for you to read, I've created a space to write down your own adventures this semester! I figure it may help with the roadblock we often have during breaks, where we want to discuss all the things that have happened to us recently but never have the time to talk as a group.

I love you guys. I'm very excited to see you all again.

My Updates

London is the capital city of England.

Your Updates

Paris is the capital of France.


Tokyo is the capital of Japan.


Slide four.